Please be informed that does not host any of the manga or comics directly on its servers. All manga and comics found on our site are sourced from third-party websites and platforms. Our mission is to organize these materials to facilitate easier access for users interested in reading manga and comics online. We simply provide links to the content that is already hosted on other websites.
If you are a copyright owner and you believe that your copyrighted work has been reproduced on without authorization in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide a DMCA notice to the website(s) that are hosting the infringing content. Upon removal of the content from the hosting website, it will be automatically removed from as well.
To file a DMCA notice, please include the following information:
Please direct all copyright infringement issues to the companies that host these files.
We are committed to responding to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement.
No copyright infringement is intended nor implied by We act as a search engine, facilitating access to content hosted on other websites.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
تـنـبـيه ! موقعنا لا يدعي بملكية أي عمل ,كل الاعمال ملك لاصحابها , موقعنا يقوم فقط بالترجمة من مواقع أخرى may use external images sourced and collected from platforms. We do not take credit for any images displayed on our website and give credit to the creator where applicable.
All products, images, logos, and contents on this website are the property of their respective owners.
If you have any questions regarding our DMCA policy, please contact us.